My Math Autobiography

What better way to start 2017 than to finally write my math autobiography! I am preparing to teach my first math methods course for pre-service teachers this coming semester, and I look forward to sharing this with my students and hearing theirs. Thanks, @TracyZager for the inspiration to finally nail this down. My first memory of math in elementary school is from 3 rd grade. It was January, and I had returned from winter break to a new school. The first thing I saw when I walked into the classroom on my first day was a bulletin board with a road on it. At equal intervals along the road were pit stops – “Land of 2s,” Land of 3s”, “Land of 4s”… all the way to the “Land of 12s”. Each student had colored their own car and as they mastered math facts, they moved along the road. The furthest car was in the “Land of 6s” and I immediately knew that leaving everyone in my dust on the multiplication road was going to shape my identity in my new class. I loved math because I was go...