9+6, the Journey #mondaymathbite

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ― Ernest Hemingway Welcome to the new and improved Adventures in Common Core! I'm so excited to have a new design and can't wait to share more math with you! As math problems and videos continue to go viral, I feel compelled to step up to the plate to address some of the misconceptions. The angry rants about Common Core ruining our children are not letting up, and it seems that the basis of many of these oppositions is that Common Core makes math harder rather than easier, that it has convoluted mathematics somehow. This couldn't be further from the truth. Many parents who are anti-Common Core have the best of intentions; they want what is best for their child, and when they see something outside of their own comfort zone, they jump to their child's defense: "This is too hard! My child has always been proficient in math and now they're struggling! They go...